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  • Aftab Alam Likes Swimming Pool Pumps
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  • Aftab Alam Likes RCD and ELCB
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  • Aftab Alam added comment on Variable Frequency Drives as 'I attempt so many times but still it's 80% no coming next chapter'
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  • Aftab Alam added comment on HVAC Fundamentals as 'Its 100% completed but not get next step for question'
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  • Aftab Alam unlocked the badge Learning Ninja
    Learning Ninja
    Badge is for the trainer on this site. complete a course yo become a trainner
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  • Aftab Alam added comment on Water Heater Replacement as 'Please change the tools nameIn the video technician used the screw drive its not safe because Its not insulated, he not close the valves'
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