The Art of Small Talk

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 10 June 2022 08:25 | 82
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Discover techniques you can use to confidently converse with any customer from all walks of life.


From the weather to local news, small talk can be seriously awkward sometimes.

That is, unless you have the skills to talk to anyone. Discover techniques you can use to confidently converse with any customer from all walks of life, with The Art of Small Talk.

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-10 08:25:00

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Using the Customer's Name
Being Observant
Body Language
Getting a Customer to Open Up
Listen Intently
Practice Makes Perfect
Say Hello First
Knowing When Not to Talk
The Art Of Small Talk eBook
The Art Of Small Talk - QUIZ