Saving Customer Cancellations

COURSE | Started On : Sunday, 12 June 2022 16:26 | 78
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

In this module, we’ll explore the many reasons customers leave, we’ll focus on techniques and strate...


Retaining customers is important to organisations.

In fact, it’s paramount! We all know the marketing cost of gaining new customers is substantial, and for organisations to be profitable they need to retain their customers.

In this module, we’ll explore the many reasons customers leave, we’ll focus on techniques and strategies you can implement to reduce the chances of that happening and, more importantly, explore ways to stop customers from ever getting to that point.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-12 16:26:52

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Reasons Customers Cancel
Identifying Customer Cancellation Triggers
Collecting Cancellation Reasons
Saving Cancellations
Offering Other Options
Some Customers May Not Be Worth Saving
Going to a Competitor
Saved Customers are Still a Cancellation Risk
Customers Thinking About Cancelling
How to Win Back Customers
Saving Customer Cancellations eBook
Saving Customer Cancellations - QUIZ