Sales Skills

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 10 June 2022 14:19 | 56
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

In this module we take you through the fundamental sales skills you need to turn your prospects into...


Are your sales missing the mark? Getting screened by receptionists? Are more and more prospects turning away or rebuffing your follow up?

Then it’s time to brush up on Sales Skills! In this module we take you through the fundamental sales skills you need to turn your prospects into loyal customers.

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-10 14:19:08

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Sales Skills
ABC - Always Be Closing
Always Get A Concession
Ask For The Business
Assumptive Closing Ideas
Double Close
Four Yeses
It Costs Too Much
Stay Involved
You Always Have Time To Call Back
Give Them The Price
Bin Should
Choose Your Words Wisely
Feel Felt Found
How Are You
Just Following Up
Keep Them Talking
On The Same Wavelength
Sign Off Right
Use That Tone With Me!
Use Your Prospect's Name
Be The Expert
Connect First
Follow Through
Grab Their Attention!
Involve The Other Party
Preparation Is Key
Pushing On
Qualify Qualify Qualify
Skip Reception
Sourcing Mobiles
Sales Is A Numbers Game
Sales Skills eBook
Sales Skills - QUIZ