Email Skills

COURSE | Started On : Thursday, 09 June 2022 11:38 | 243
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Email has long been a core tool for Business Communications. This course will help you to write effe...


Communication over email can be a challenge, especially when it comes to communicating with customers.

In today’s digital age online communication is key: from using the right subject lines, Reply All, and electronic signoffs, to inbox management and more.

Discover how you can always impress your customers, with Email Skills.

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-09 11:38:01

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Email Skills
Avoid Confusion
Hammer Your Grammar
Opening Address
Proof, Then Proof Again
Subject Lines
The PS is Important
To Emoticon or Not To Emoticon
Use Their Name
Walk Away First
Inbox Management
Incorrect Address
Keep an Eye on Internal Emails
Let's Talk Signatures
Reply All
Respond Promptly
Save Save Save
Just Following Up
Avoid the High Priority
Be Savvy with your Incoming Emails
Bin the Out of Office Emails
Delayed Sending
Email or Call
Reeling in a Phish
Rules of Carbon Copy
Email Skills eBook
Email Skills - QUIZ