Dealing With Rude Customers

COURSE | Started On : Thursday, 09 June 2022 15:08 | 115
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Learn how to explain your stance, hold your ground and professionally handle rude customers without...


Whilst it may be tempting to argue with a rude customer, that argument isn’t going to get the best result.

In Dealing With Rude Customers we help you learn how to explain your stance, hold your ground and professionally handle rude customers without losing your cool.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-09 15:08:59

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Never Argue
Listen and Understand
Explain Your Stance
Avoid Sarcasm
Prompt Better Behaviour
Holding Your Ground
Refusing To Serve
Beware Over Email
Blaming Never Helps
Dealing With Rude Customers eBook
Dealing With Rude Customers - QUIZ