Dealing With Happy Customers

COURSE | Started On : Sunday, 12 June 2022 14:32 | 70
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Happy customers provide opportunities for upselling, positive reviews and growing loyalty, so find o...


If your customers are delighted with your services, don’t think “job done!” and forget all about them!

Happy customers provide opportunities for upselling, positive reviews and growing loyalty, so find out how you should be Dealing With Happy Customers so you can implement these techniques now.

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-12 14:32:16

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Happy Customers
Let Them Know You Appreciate Them
Get a Testimonial
Get an Online Boost
Selling More to Happy Customers
Pass on the Feedback
Don't You Forget About Me
Ask For Referrals
Dealing With Happy Customers eBook
Dealing With Happy Customers - QUIZ