Dealing With Disappointed Customers

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 10 June 2022 11:44 | 95
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Letting a customer down isn’t great, but the key lies in how you handle the disappointment and how t...


Letting a customer down isn’t great, but the key lies in how you handle the disappointment and how to make a greater impact.

Dealing With Disappointed Customers shows you how to turn disappointed customers into satisfied ones by recognising the problem, acting on it and clearly communicating the solution.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-10 11:44:38

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Disappointed Customers
Recognising Disappointment
Act On the Problem
Appreciate the Feedback
Stop The Rot
Online Complaints
Keep the Feedback Coming
Don't Make The Customer Repeat The Whole Story
Set A Timeframe
Dealing With Disappointed Customers eBook
Dealing With Disappointed Customers - QUIZ