Dealing With Anxious Customers

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 10 June 2022 09:34 | 119
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Dealing With Anxious Customers can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be!


Dealing With Anxious Customers can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be!

In this module, we show you how to identify an anxious customer, how to empathise with and reassure them, and finally, how to turn them into a loyal, happy customer.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-10 09:34:18

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Anxious Customers
Identifying Anxious Customers
Empathise With Anxious Customers
Don't Dismiss
Don't Be Afraid to Apologise
Reassure an Anxious Customer
Focus on the Facts
Handling Deadline
Provide a Solution
Dealing With Anxious Customers eBook
Dealing With Anxious Customers - QUIZ