Customer Personality Types

COURSE | Started On : Sunday, 12 June 2022 15:02 | 187
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

In this module, we’ll show you how to tailor your manner to each of the four main Customer Personali...


Some customers love your team’s manner, while others brush it off. Some customers want to pick a fight, while others won’t disclose what they really want.

Sound familiar? Customers don’t share personalities; they vary from person to person.

In this module, we’ll show you how to tailor your manner to each of the four main Customer Personality Types.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-12 15:02:51

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Customer Personality Types
Driver Personality Types
Expressive Personality Types
Amiable Personality Types
Analytical Personality Types
Customer Personality Types eBook
Customer Personality Types - QUIZ