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  • Nazeer Shaik added comment on Customer Service at Dubai Airports as 'I am trying lot of time to pass the exam I miss it..I got every time 73 persentage and also some questions are little confused.'
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  • Nazeer Shaik joined the group, Lift Cleaning
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  • Nazeer Shaik unlocked the badge Learning Ninja
    Learning Ninja
    Badge is for the trainer on this site. complete a course yo become a trainner
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  • Nazeer Shaik added comment on Departure Boarding Gate Area Cleaning as 'Thanks sir for giving great knowledge...'
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  • Nazeer Shaik added comment on Toilet Cleaning- Dos & Don'ts - Video Lesson as 'Thanks for giving good knowledge sir, 3 wrong things observed 1. Litter picker is touch on staff body and wrong color code(LP) 2. Wrong color code cleaning agent bottle 3. Not using Apron.'
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