Sales Cycle

COURSE | Started On : Sunday, 08 May 2022 14:59 | 32
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Learn what a sales cycle is, get a feel for the stages that typically comprise one, and how to effe...


Successful sales efforts are rarely improvised. Very few companies' sales strategies revolve around throwing random tactics at the wall and seeing what sticks. Generally speaking, businesses that see consistent success in sales offer their salespeople some degree of guidance.

Salespeople often need a defined progression to serve as a reference point — a regimented framework that lets them know what to do next. That infrastructure is often referred to as a sales cycle.

Welcome to the Sales Cycle Training. 


Learning objectives 

  • Define the meaning of a Sales Cycle 
  • Understand the relevance and importance of a Sales Cycle
  • Identify the different stages in a Sales Cycle process and your role in each stage


Skills covered

  • Sales Effectiveness

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-05-08 14:59:56

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Sales Cycle - Presentation
Structure of a Cold Call
Sales Qualification Questions