Dealing With Difficult Customers

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 10 June 2022 13:17 | 214
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Every now and then you’ll have a customer with a bee in their bonnet, and how your team interacts wi...


Every now and then you’ll have a customer with a bee in their bonnet, and how your team interacts with them can have huge impact on your customer and your team.

In Dealing With Difficult Customers, we look at specialized techniques such as letting a customer vent and refocusing on the solution, plus handling abusive language, so your team is always prepared.


Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-06-10 13:17:08

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Introduction to Difficult Customers
Calming a Customer
Let Angry Customers Vent
Use the Customer's Name
Apologising to Customers
Switch The Setting
Focus on the Solution
Handling Abusive Language
What Does the Customer Want?
Be on the Customer's Team
Confirm Your Solution in Writing
Social Media
Responding to Email Complaints
Thank a Complaining Customer
Take Time Out
Dealing With Difficult Customers eBook
Dealing With Difficult Customers - QUIZ