Business Innovation

COURSE | Started On : Thursday, 28 July 2022 09:56 | 54
Instructor: Unknown User Unknown User

Learn more about innovation practices and the skills and mindsets required for innovation.


No company can survive without innovation. Large or small, new or old, for profit or nonprofit, all organizations need to keep morphing to succeed.

But how do you nurture nonstop innovation?

In this course we outline the core logic of innovation and show how leaders at many companies and nonprofits—including Apple, Amazon, and Google—nurture innovation without losing control. We will outline the multiple ways—including lean startup, and collaborative innovation—in which any organization can innovate.

Use these strategies to uncover new pathways to innovation at your organization. 


Learning Objectives 

  • Fundamentals of Innovation
  • Fostering creativity without losing control 
  • Lean startup
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Collaborative Innovation
  • Frugal Innovation


Skills Covered

  • Innovation Management

Course Information
Unknown User

Published Date
2022-07-28 09:56:44

Certificate Term
Complete all lessons
Business Innovation
Why Organizations Stumble at Innovation
The Core Logic of Innovation
Innovation 5 Step Process
Case Study: How Ford Built America
Novel Combination of Existing Ideas
3M's 15% Culture of Innovation
Foster Creativity Without Losing Control
Experimentation & The Lean Start-Up Process
Google’s Principles of Innovation
Collaborative Innovation
Frugal Innovation
Disruptive Innovation
Innovations in Facilities Management
Design Thinking
Not Completed 0%